A Week’s worth of Content in under 20 minutes

It’s no secret that a successful business demands a successful website. But did you know that a successful Website absolutely requires quality content that’s not only useful, but fresh?

That’s where most people have a problem. Even if they know they need to keep their content fresh, they either don’t want to write it or they just don’t have the time.

Content Curation

You see, people want to do content marketing, they want to add regular posts to their Blogs, but they just don’t want to write. Or they don’t like to write. Or they don’t have time to write. That’s understandable - people are busy and writing can be intimidating for many of us.

Enter the solution - Curation! …. Yes, Curation !

Now what is Curation ?…… And why might you want to consider it in your Internet marketing mix.

Simply put, curation means the gathering together of something.

Think about a “Curator” in a museum: He or she goes out and finds historical artifacts or works of art to exhibit in their museum as a grouped collection.

Notice this - the curator of a museum does not go out and dig up the fossils or buy the paintings. Nor do they clean, catalog and ship the fossils or other items they gather. Instead, they display the fossils for the public to see.

And, in many cases, they charge a fee for the public to see what they have gathered, or curated.

Curation of information online works the same way.

As a curator of content, you find great information on a specific topic and share your thoughts about it on your blog. Then you link to the original content and let the reader decide if they want to click through to learn more.

But curation is not just a random gathering of information.

The best curation, the curation that creates profits, is focused on a topic or within the interests of a specific niche. Just like a curated collection in a museum will have a focus - a topic that is a running theme through the collection - so will well-curated content on the internet have a focus.

This is one of the secrets to curation. Don’t try to be everything to everyone.

Pick your niche, find the best possible sources to curate, and serve the people who are in the niche you choose. So the idea of curation is simply gathering together into one location a collection of resources about a particular topic.

A Disc Jockey or D.J. is a curator. He doesn’t make the music that he plays at the Club or at parties. But how good he is at gathering or curating his music determines whether or not he is considered a good D.J. And you know, a good D.J. makes good money.

Next let’s look at why Curation works…….

Curation works because it helps readers. Curation is a way to reach your audience by sharing something useful with them.

Let’s use a blog as an example. Many people have a blog that is not making money.

Curation is the solution!

You want to help your blog readers, right? One way that you can help them is by saving them time and helping them see the big picture of what’s out there.

You could add curated blog posts to your blog every week, in addition to any original content you were already offering on your blog. And those curated posts would be beneficial to your readers. And you can do the entire week’s worth of posts in about 20 minutes!

To receive free, Your own proven 6 Step Curation Business Plan…. click here…

The core goal of curation really is to help people and that’s a good thing.

But I have discovered over the years that if you help people, you are naturally building an audience. The two go hand in hand because the people you help want to reciprocate.

It’s something that’s born into human beings. They want to reciprocate when someone does something kind for them.

When someone holds a door open for you at the entrance of a building, and there’s another set of doors just ahead, your natural inclination is to open the next door for them in return.

Curation is a wonderful way to create reciprocity, thus it’s a wonderful way to build an audience. When you share helpful resources with your readers time and time again, they will naturally become loyal to you as an audience.

Summing things up, “curation” is simply the gathering together of information that helps readers.

By doing that, you build an audience that gets to know you, like you, trust you and who will buy from you and help you build a real online business.

When that happens you will be making money online from sharing great content in a subject area that interests you and you find to be fun.

And that’s definitely a Super Cool thing for real !

<< Jerry Burnett >>

P.S. Again, to download free, a proven 6 Step Curation Business Plan…..Go HERE….

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