To Succeed… We Have To Decide To Believe

Faith in the UniverseBecoming a rich and successful Marketer is arrived at by a leap of faith. Living out our grandest dreams is accomplished by way of a leap of faith.

Making it to the top of our craft is brought about by a leap of faith. Becoming the very best in the world, must be done through a leap of faith.

It is through faith that we do significant things in life. And it is only by faith that we can attain unto personal greatness. Why does it take faith to do great things? Because, when we attempt to do these things, we do not “ know” that we can do them for we have never done them yet.

We can only believe that we can

It is like setting out by ship to discover a new world. We do not know that we will find it. We can only believe that we will. I have to believe that I can arrive at my dream life, but there is no way for me to “know” that I can.

And I must believe and believe strongly, because a thousand things will stand in my way. But we must also considered that faith is just that; faith. We can not go through a sequence of logic or reasoning to arrive at faith. We can not enumerate it by calculation.

We can not ”prove” it.

Soren Kierkegaard, the great religious philosopher, in his essay entitled “God can not be proven” pointed out that even if someone were to ”prove” that God existed, God would still have to jump out of the end of the proof in order to confirm that the reasoning was in fact correct.

Therefore it remains then that we are again left only with faith. And since faith, as we see, can not be proven, to arrive there requires that we jump, that we leap. We must make a leap unto faith…… We must take a leap of faith.

………………. Well how do we actually take a leap of faith?

Since now, there is no logic or calculations that will get us there……….

We simply must “decide” to believe.. Faith is arrived at by making a “ decision” to believe.

We must decide to believe the things that we believe in life…………

Do you want to live your dream life? Do you want to become Super Rich? Decide now, once for all that you believe that you can do it. And really, it is the best possible situation that faith is founded upon a decision….. Why?

Because if I have decided to have faith, it is settled, for the things that we decide are settled things. And a settled faith is one of the most valuable and powerful things in existence. To get a picture of a settled faith consider this…….

It is one thing for me to believe today that God exists though on tomorrow because I feel weak in faith, I have to battle to reaffirm my decision that I believe, But quite another thing for me to believe today that God exist and on tomorrow when my faith is challenged, I open up the question with myself anew as to whether or not I believe that God really exist at all.


In one case, faith is being tried and refined and made stronger because of tremendous difficulties. And in the other case you have a confused and frustrated individual whose experience is like what the bible says about a person who does not operate by faith.

“He is as the waves of the sea driven by the winds and tossed and he is unstable in all of his ways”. This week he is happy because he is certain that he is going to become a millionaire in his new venture and next week he is depressed to the point that he has quit altogether.

Let us then today, decide to believe that we are more than capable of accomplishing our dreams and on tomorrow should we face difficulties and negative thoughts, let us refine that faith by holding to our decision even through difficulties, reaffirming what we believe.

*See Also: An Inspiration that defeats Mountains

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