The Real Reason Why So Many People Fail To Make Money Online

marketing lossesThere truly is a long list of reasons as to why people believe that they have not been able to make money online. They believe that it’s because of things like not being able to get enough Traffic or not being good at Traffic Conversion. Maybe because they don’t know the latest SEO or how to really do Link building or Social Media Marketing or Video Marketing or a pile of others things.

But for the most part, there is one thing that they all have in common. And it is the real reason that they have not been able to see the success that they so strongly desire in their online marketing efforts. ………..The question is asked “ What is the secret, What is the real secret to this internet marketing thing” And how many times…. how many millions of times has this question been asked? How many?

Why? Because hidden in this question is the real reason why so many, so very, very many have not been able to make money online………… Do you … feel that there must be some secret that you are missing out on. A secret that all the rich gurus know but will not share openly with everyone.

And why do so many believe this? Is the reason because they think that if the real knowledge were not kept a secret that too many people would get a hold of it and saturate the opportunity altogether. ……….…………

Think about it, they believe that if all the top gurus of the world, got together and really, and truly decided that they were going to finally and for all time give the true inner chamber information on how to make money online away to all the world, free of charge and openly on say, some great website, free for all to freely access, that it would spoil everything.

That it would be like telling the whole world the location where some rare treasure was hidden. And of course, the whole world would frantically race there, find out the real secrets and everything would be spoiled…………….

And of course, they feel, it is only reasonable to think this. And of course they feel, it must be so, because why else would we pay these gurus our hard earned money to access what they know? …………

But the only problem is, we have paid these gurus to access what they know. And they have spent lots of time teaching us and providing us with their information. .………..Why then do so many continue to ask of them, what is the secret, what is the real secret to this internet marketing thing? …………………

Obviously, it is because they do not believe that they have the secret yet…. And herein lies the real reason why so many are not able to make money online……This right here….is it ! ….

It is because they do not believe………They do not believe what? ……They do not believe in the power of “simple, basic, Marketing”……….

For the most part, the vast majority of those coming to the online marketing world do not have real experience in the general world of business. They have what Robert Kiyosaki of Rich Dad Poor Dad calls an “Employee mindset”. They have never owned a business or paid money for advertising. And they don’t really see or believe in the power of simple, basic, Marketing.

The don’t really understand that marketing does really work but that it is first and foremost a numbers game. Or more precisely, a game of large numbers. And so a big enough number has to be put into the pipeline before good results can begin to come out on the other side. And in order to put in big enough numbers, real money or real time has to be spent and real efforts applied, especially in the beginning.

But for most of the individuals coming to the online world to realize their fortunes, embracing and doing the work needed to successfully apply Marketing can only be done through an act of faith. And not only an act of faith, but a continual daily faith over time. Until proof comes and they can know for sure that Marketing is the magic.

And all that the gurus teach is marketing, because that is all that there is. Internet Marketing, Online Marketing, Content Marketing, Video Marketing, Article Marketing, Paid Marketing, etc, etc………

And in actuality, instead of the way to online success being hidden, it is really quite the opposite.

Online Marketing profits

The secret to making money online is open and in plain view to be seen by all who spend any time looking to see and find out.

In fact, we step over it all day long. We use it and we handle it. For as consumers, we live in a “World of Marketing”. And if anyone would like to understand something of it’s vast value and worth, simply go and look up the astronomical numbers that represents it’s Yearly Global Cost.

So if we would but apply it, there is no doubt that we would find the success that we seek……

But the thought that there must be something missing. That there is a missing piece to the puzzle, for the vast majority remains. And what is this thought? But simple Unbelief. Or more properly, a failure to maintain belief in the truth that has been given.

There are two examples given in the bible describing how a person acts when suffering from unbelief. It says in the book of James, that they are like a ship driven by the winds and tossed and that they are doubled minded and unstable in their ways. This is exactly how so many of those who are seeking to make money Online act.

Today, they are fired up and motivated. This week, they are going to go all the way. They are going to make $100K a month and travel the world. And next week, they are discouraged, looking again for the real secret to success………

And without belief, there is no power to apply ones self. Think about it… if you don’t believe that you are walking in the right direction to get where you want to go. If the journey is long, cold and hard, you will have no will power to continue to walk very far before you would become weak inside and stop or turn back.

And this is the condition of so many individuals seeking to make the journey to online business success. Since the masses do not believe that marketing works, they do not have a settled enough mind to work hard day after day to build up a good supply of traffic or even to spent the money needed to buy the traffic.

People who come to internet marketing, in probably the majority of cases, have plenty enough money to buy traffic. They manage to buy the other things that they really want. But they will not buy traffic. Why?

Because they do not really believe in marketing

One reason I believe that it takes 18 months to 2 years or so, even for those who eventually go on to become the most elite in our business, to finally start having some success is because at first even they did not believe in the simplicity and power of Marketing……… But, after being on all the webinars and listening to all the trainings and being at the live events and reading all the emails and buying so many programs something begins to happen.

You might say “Yeah I know what happens they begin to learn so much that finally they are in a position to apply what they know and become successful”…….

But no, that is not it. They knew enough to become successful long before 2 years. And also lots of people realize success online with very little knowledge because they are willing to do what they are told blindly the which the majority of us just simply will not do.

What I believe happens is that after seeing all the teachings and trainings on how to be successful as an online marketer over and over again, they begin to realize that in fact they really have seen basically all the information that there is. And they began to accept that there are no hidden secrets. But that the real secret is just to believe and take action on the simple principles of Marketing, given to them from the first. And as a result they finally and for the first time believe. And not only believe, but believe consistently day after day until ultimately they produce results.

It is truly, a willingness to believe in the simple system of Marketing that new and beginning marketers need. And to realize that what we do is not a new game but that Marketing goes back as far as the practice of business itself. And that we should apply ourselves to learning the age old principles.

Daegan Smith, Internet marketing guru, once said, “ There are no secrets, all of marketing is right in front of you”.

And in fact, this is so. And I encourage you to be happy that this is so. And to collect yourself, go out and aggressively learn marketing, apply it to your business, make lots of money, live a happy and prosperous life and share this blog post with as many of your friends as possible… So long for now and be blessed!

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