Today, I was listening to a motivational speaker. He was talking about how in the internet marketing business many times we get caught up and lost in our minds.
We attempt to succeed… to win.. by thinking, thinking, thinking our way to action. We literally attempt to think, or more correctly, figure our way to success. And we feel that if we would just figure enough, we might be able to reach our goals.
mental loop.
Have you ever been stuck in your head… trying to figure it out… trying to think your way to action.
To become successful you can not think you way into acting. You actually have to act your way into thinking. You have to act your way into a right kind of thinking. Into empowered thinking and a confident mindset.
How much of our time/life have we spent in our heads. Stuck in our heads. Tony Robbins says “if you get in your head you’re dead”.
But our real need is a state of certainty and a state of confidence from which we can move forward with inspired action. And in order to arrive at such states of confidence, we can not think our way there. We have to act our way there.
There is a need to motivate ourselves, to change our postures, to speak positive things to our selves. We have to say to ourselves, “I can do this… I can do this…. It’s my time”. We have to learn to stand up straight and to power walk and to power talk.
We have to engage. We have to act. We have to learn to work up our confidence. Or to do whatever it takes to produce personal confidence.
In the NBA, players talk about how hitting a good shot can be a great way to “get your confidence back”
Russian team in the Olympics and went on to receive the gold medal, it was clear to all that the Russians were the best team in the world. Just weeks before, the Russians easily defeated the US team.
But in the locker room, on the day of the great event, before the US team went out to take the ice, Herb Brooks the coach of the US team inspired them by saying, “listen the Russian team may be the best team. And if you played them 10 times, they would probably beat you ten times, but not tonight…. Because you where meant to be here…. This moment is yours.
And tonight you are the greatest hockey team in the world”.
“Yes the Soviets may be the best team, but not tonight. Because tonight you are the greatest hockey team in the world”.
mindset. And while in such a mental posture, we must work the works that will produce our desired outcomes.
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