Now, I did not know anything about the Natural gas market or anything about world gas supplies or supply expectations. I was just out there selling these five year contracts.
Well, Natural Gas prices fell like a rock. The price went low and has since remained that way. That sweet lady and her daughter were locked into a gas price for 5 years that was three times higher than what regular customers were paying.
The last thing that I will say about products that you might choose to market is this. In order to make money with a simple fishing pole or a super sophisticated funnel for that matter is that you need more than one product.
You need front end low cost products. Mid priced products and very high end expensive products. You have to realize two things here, one is that people want to buy. People have money and they are engaged in constant daydreaming everyday trying to think of things to buy. And they are going to buy.
Think I’m tripping?
Do a little personal observational type research… and you might come to realize that it’s true.
How many new car dealerships.. after new car dealerships.. after new car dealerships are there? … And think about all the Stores and Malls that there are. All selling everyday, day in and day out. World GDP for 2015 (all products and services sold worldwide) is projected at around 75 Trillion dollars. And is expected to go up to 100 Trillion by 2020. Now that is a megaton of money even when considering world population. The only question then is.. Will YOU get some of that business, will I get some.
The second thing you have to realize is that McDonald’s is a very rich and prosperous company. But it probably could not even exist as a company if it only had its Dollar Menu. Being that the body of its profits comes from its higher cost meals. But yet it still maintains its dollar menu. Now, there is marketing wisdom involved here that we could go into, but the main thing that you want to get is that if you want to make the big money easily, you want to have high priced products to sell along with very low cost front end items.
The 2nd thing in this three part system for creating a simple fishing pole, is the funnel system, which is the marketing system. And this is where your business really exist. This is where the mind, the brain, the thinking, the strategy the logic, the genius of your business exist.
The three parts of a marketing business are 1) The product, 2) The (funnel) or marketing system and 3) The traffic.
Now think about it. Among online marketers working say in the same Affiliate program, they will have the same product and they could have the same traffic source. But they will always have a different marketing system. That is if they hope to make any money. Because a custom marketing funnel is essential for sales success. You can easily see what happens when a mass amount of people uses the same company funnel.
It is said by many that traffic plus conversions equals sales. But if you convert someone you have already sold them because to get a conversion is the same thing as to get a sale. A conversion is a sale.
But really, it should be said that traffic plus marketing strategy produces conversions.
When you send targeted traffic through a strategic funnel, it produces conversions; sales.
Now the marketing system or funnel is the place where the marketer executes his strategy. And so this is the place where we find out whether a marketer is skillful or not. Based on the wisdom and the people skills and the capacity of his funnel to influence and convert, we can evaluate marketing ability.
And the funnel consist of things like squeeze pages, ads and ad copy, emails, sales pages, webinars and different kinds of content like videos, blog post, social media post etc. Your marketing funnel is your communication network with your prospects. And this is the real part of your business. This is what makes one business different from the next. This is why two marketers can both be affiliates for the same Company and one might be making $500 a month and the other $200,000.
Now the last part of the three parts that make up an Online marketing business is Traffic. And this is the part that everyone likes.
In survey after survey, this is what most people looking to make money online say they want more than any thing else….. “How can I get more traffic”…..”How can you help me get some traffic”…And it is probably right here more than any other place that bad psychology and wrong thinking exist.
It is a known fact by the internet marketing world that about 97% of all people who seek to make money online never really make any. And Traffic, the problem of traffic and the thoughts that people have regarding traffic is probably the biggest contributor to most of this mass failure.
Think about this though, multi-millionaire marketer Shaqir Hussyin, continually says that there is no such thing as a traffic problem. And Super marketer, Vick Strizheus always says that getting traffic is the easiest thing.
Now I could say a whole lot about traffic here and the psychology of traffic. But that is the problem right now. I would have so much to say that it would not fit properly in this present conversation. But what I will say about traffic right now is something that goes a long way toward answering the problem… and that is this….
That Traffic, according to master marketer Vick Strizheus and many others, should have three qualities… It should be 1) Instant 2) Consistent 3) And Scalable. This is especially true if you are seeking to simply and quickly set up a high income, online auto-pilot business.
Have you just started a new online business? …..Well are you able to get traffic to it “TODAY”?
Also, are you able to get traffic to it tomorrow and the next day and everyday that you want?
And finally, should you find yourself in possession of a very high converting and profitable funnel, are you able to scale and send as much traffic to it as you want?
……….If you answered NO to any of these questions…You might want to reconsider your master view on the subject of Traffic.
……Because, stop right now and really think….really consider….. how nice it would be to have a relationship with Traffic like the one I just described !
I am Jerry Burnett……Peace