The #1 Reason Why You Will Probably Fail Online

online marketing

When talking about simply and quickly setting up an online business, what are the biggest things that stand in the way of getting this done? One thing is realizing the need to have this as the primary goal in the first place…To get started simply and quickly…. Another one goes back to the holy grail.. the subject of Traffic.


If you are looking to set up an online business so that you can make money to transform your life and the lives of your loved ones, Have you made the decision that you are going to do it using free traffic strategies?


Why do people choose free traffic over paid?…………………………….


If You had an uncle who was going to bank roll your marketing. He was going to finance your traffic for you. He was going to buy you all the traffic that you needed to get your business up and rolling, would you take him up on his offer or would you say No thanks, I would rather go with free traffic.


Firstly why do you like free traffic? Ask yourself, why do I like free traffic? I have asked myself that question. Why did I like free traffic? I think part of it was the desire to become a writer. I think many of us in the internet marketing space like the idea of creating content and making money from it. We like the idea of writing an article or making a video, publishing it and getting rich from it….Sexy !


When I went to College, I attended a small liberal arts school, Lawrence University in Appleton Wis. It is a small college but a rich college. It use to be called by some the Harvard of the mid-west.


Many of the student who attended there had a dream of becoming writers. This was something they considered mainly because they came from a world where their parents and neighbors actually were writers.


They came from the world of the educated elite. The world of Professorships and elite schools.


One of my friends whom I sometimes hung out with was Michael Updike the son of John Updike. Anyone who knows anything about American literary writers knows that John Updike is a legend and a giant.


I came from the South side of Chicago….. During my years in college, I never had a dream of becoming a writer but many of my College friends did.


Many of them wore the professor like clothes and actually smoked pipes at different times, projecting out the image of their dreams.


It is an interesting thing to watch a nineteen year old holding an academic conversation while smoking a pipe .


I did not know at the time or had really considered it, but they had a desire to create wealth. To become millionaires by writing out the thoughts and ideas that were in their heads… To create wealth from our minds, thoughts and ideas is a beautiful thing.


I believe many, of the people who start a blog, have this desire. A desire to bless the world with the beauty and the power of their ideas and thoughts. To release something new into the world that will add value to it. And to get rich doing it.


I did not come from a world where my dad or my friend’s dad or a neighbor down my street was a writer. Like I said, I came from the South side of Chicago. So at the time, the idea of becoming a writer and of making money from it was not something that I had ever considered, even though I had been a writer on my high school’s newspaper.


I once wrote an article for the school paper. A comic piece about a blind date with a girl named Big Bertha. I had people hollering at me in the halls reciting back to me different lines from the article that was particularly funny to them. I received in fact a tiny bit of popularity in my school, at that time as a writer, yet I never thought at all of what it might be like to become someone who wrote out the ideas in their head to become a millionaire from it.


But, I say all of that to say this, I believe that the desire to make money from writing or even something like doing videos, is one reason why someone might choose free marketing over paid marketing.


Because the very things that make up free marketing strategies are also the things that are a basic part of what it means to distribute content and be a publisher/writer online.


But what is the motivation of someone taking pictures of money and posting it on Facebook in an effort to recruit a down line or to make a sale. I think that his only motivation has to be simply to recruit a down line or to make a sale.


That person is only trying to have a business….. He is endeavoring to make money…..


The person who is spending his time link building or social media marketing or using SEO and keyword searches to rank on Google, guest blogging, article marketing, posting comments, building PBN’s, spinning content, what is the reasons behind all of theses different activities?


I can only think of two reasons that a person would do these things.


One, it is to rank in the search engines to get traffic back to a website because that individual desires to be a publisher, a successful writer, who creates quality content that also creates for him wealth.


The other has a desire to get traffic back to a website, so that he can primarily make money… It’s business!


Now, for those who desire to become writer-publishers, like I said, I can understand why they would use the Free traffic methods. They are creating an entity, a website on the internet. And web search is the fundamental way that you publish. It is how your message expands in the online world.


But why would someone whose main purpose for being online is to have a business and to make money, why would they engage in free marketing strategies.


There is one other reason I just thought of, it is because they like it. Seo, link building, ranking sites, this is fun for a lot of people. And some know how to do it with a degree of success. And a very tiny fraction, with million dollar success.And I understand that…. Be happy…… do what you like……. and make money doing it.




But for those who have come online to build a business, to make money, to change their financial life and the lives of there families. To be freed from a bad job or from the world of jobs altogether, to make a lot of money and to live the lifestyle of their dreams, I don’t know if free marketing strategies is the best method for them to pursue at the out set of their endeavor.


It is a known fact that 97% of all individuals who seek to make money online never do. And a huge part of the problem is that they seek to do it through free traffic strategies. And why would they do that. Like I said, if you had a rich uncle who was very happy to bankroll your online start up, would you choose to turn him down to go the free marketing way or would you take him up on his offer.


I can hear someone right now saying, but free traffic is free and you do it once and you keep getting paid after that….Please ! You do free marketing strategies once and you have to keep on doing them just like paid marketing. If you want to continue to make money that is.


If you are a blogger or if you do video marketing, you can’t stop blogging or making videos. If you do, you will stop making money. You might have some old content out there that is still bringing you in some cash, but I don’t think you would want to try to live off of that.


Think about this, the Huffington Post, multimillion dollar website. What if they decided today to stop putting out content. Say they decided, “we have created content once, we are now going to ride it out”. What would the future look like for those who are a part of that online business.


If you have chosen the path of “free traffic producing content” you have to forever be generating more and more “free traffic producing content” anew………


And check this out… 1) The methods used to rank content is constantly changing ..2) Ranking Content means that your business is depended on another man’s business.


Google and Bing are another man’s business. You never want to have your business relying too much on another man’s business. What if you had a product that you sold. You did sales of say, 8 million dollars a year. But you only had two customers. Sears who accounted for 97% of your sales and Walmart for the other 3%.


How secure would your business be?


How often do you think you would be watching Sears stock. And how faithful would you be in keeping up with Sears business decisions in the financial news.

I know of a Rich guru who because of the impact on his business

after Google did one of its algorithm changes, went into a deep mental depression.


I heard of another situation. A web based company that had a valuation in the 10 million area I think. The owner had come to the place where he wanted to retire, so he wanted to cash out. He decided that he would sell his online business.


A potential buyer came forth and when the question was asked as to how the business acquired its customers. The potential buyer found out that the business received the vast majority of its customers from the fact that it was ranked at the top of the search engines.


It had for a long time been perched at that position. And the whole foundation of the business was based on an SEO and link structure that the owner himself was afraid to touch for fear it could change things and take down his whole business.


Why is it better to base the creation of an online business on paid marketing?


For one reason the internet itself is run by paid marketing.


Google’s revenues for 2014 were just over $59 billion and advertising sales represented almost 90% of all its intake. Paid marketing was the case one hundred years ago and it is still so now.


Search is not about to dethrone it anytime soon. As a matter of fact, I heard from a top marketing manager recently that Google has opted to move more of its commercially viable search results over to paid ads and away from search. I understand now that 65% of all Google search results that can be used by businesses to make money are offered to Google paid ads and away from general search.


The other search engines are doing the same thing, no doubt.


But why is paid advertising good for little ole me trying to kick off my little venture.


Well with paid advertising you have a good chance of actually kicking it off. The time that it takes, the discipline required, the information and implementation needed to get an online business up and running using free marketing strategies eliminates, right off the bat, the vast majority of all who would try. And I challenge anyone to hold a position counter to this assertion.


And so you see the vast carnage….. Only about 3% of all seekers ever make any money online.


Take a look at a touching little article that I wrote which is on my website.


But seeing that there is such a strong desire by the masses to have an online business, (A business where they can work from home, from the coffee shop, from the beach or from anywhere in the world) why are so many of them so averse to paid advertising….


I say one more time…. If you had a rich uncle who was very happy to finance your online marketing start up would you jump at the deal….. I think that for almost everyone, the answer would be a resounding yes.


Paid traffic lets you start talking with potential customer from day one. With free traffic strategies you can be alone for months or forever working hard to get someone to talk to.


With most online businesses, the goal is to get the email address of potential buyers. Think about this. People spend all kinds of time and effort to rank a keyword or a website… why? So that a prospect will come to a page or a website form and opt in with their email address.


Most people spend their whole online career working with things like social media marketing and video creation and keyword search and SEO and link building all with the goal of getting 20 leads a day to opt into their squeeze page. And the vast majority end their career without ever having gotten the job done. Yet with a little money, a new aspiring internet marketer can have 20, 40, a 100 opt-ins on day one…What wonder !


So I guess now… we come finally… as they say…. to where “the rubber meets the proverbial road”…….. ” MONEY”…..


Why is it that you do not want to spend money on your business. Think about it, what do people do when they decide to open a restaurant or a small boutique or a repair shop? They come up with money to get it started.


They use whatever they have saved and they seek to borrow more to get it going. Some aspiring business people, max out credit cards or take out home mortgage loans to finance a business start up. So why are you so averse to spending money in your business. Why won’t you buy paid traffic and have visitors to your website from day one.


Is it because you have what Robert Kyosaki’s Rich Dad refers to as an employee mindset?


Hordes of people online moving about like herds of cattle trying to find out how they can get some free traffic….. “Where can I get some free traffic”. Getting totally turned off and even offended if you talk to them about buying some traffic.


They will buy courses. They will pay for college educations and degrees. They will spend money on new phones and games and many other things, but to spend money on an online business in the form of paying for advertising, this they will not do.


Why? …Is it because they have an employee mindset…. A way of thinking which they have received from our school system that trains people to become employees….. To prepare to have a job… To be a moving part in the system.


…Talk to some of them.. even about starting a traditional business like a Restaurant. I have known people who have spent years researching how to get free government loans to start a business. And who never got past square one. Because the idea of coming up with their own money to get things going was just too uncomfortable and too unseemly for them to even grudgingly consider.


They would buy new cars, new houses, super size TVs, and every kind of grown up toy. But to invest in a business, that they would not do. Even a business that might actually transform their circumstances and give them the true freedom to live happier lives.


Why? …. A big part is that they have an employee mindset…. They are afraid.. They are in fear of losing their money when it comes to leaving the confines of the Chicken Coop and taking responsible for their own selves. They need the safety of a job. The need a boss or a company to take care of them. To make them feel secure.


It is said that the more security that you need, the less freedom you will have… And that Maximum security is a place of no freedom.


If you need the security of a job, you must relinquish some of your liberty.


Think about it now. Do you feel like you would be taking a dangerous chance if you spent money to acquire a customer, to get traffic to your landing page, but you feel comfortable paying for a new top notch course on traffic.


Examine yourself, for it might be because you have an employee mindset and can only feel safe within the confines of the Chicken Coop.


To invest in advertising is an activity of a Player. Of someone who wants to be free and is willing to be responsible for his own financial security.


Receiving a paycheck is a more secure thing to the masses and it makes them feel better than having a monthly cash flow only. Primarily, because they have not studied up on how to handle money correctly and so they do not understand how to maintain their own financial reserves.


They are afraid of what might happen next month. They feel safer if someone else takes care of them. If AT&T or The Palmolive Corporation or The McDonald’s Company takes care of them…………………………………..


But Know This……Free traffic strategies take a lot of skill.. and a long time to learn and set up.. and a lot of time to forever keep up…. Most people will never survive it to see their dreams of becoming rich realized…………………………..


If you want to quickly put a simple fishing line into the water and begin to make money right away, you need to think like an entrepreneur, like a business investor and look to paid advertising.


And like gurus too, evidently…. Not one of the first three millionaires that Empower Network produced (a premiere internet marketing company that boast the glories of blogging) used free marketing strategies as far as I know. And by the way they jumped out way ahead of the rest of the pack.


And those of you who are working and have been working to get free traffic, how much of it do you have right now or when will you have it…. Your business is waiting…. Your financial life is waiting…


You know what…. check this out … People, the masses who come to the internet marketing space to make a fortune, think that it is a bad thing to pay for traffic and that if you don’t get it for free you are in some way a loser.


Kind of like a guy who goes out to a Club and feels that he might be used if he buys a women a drink….. He wants a guarantee upfront, I guess.


To get started fast in the internet marketing business…. to set up a fishing pole and to begin catching fish…there are many ways that it can be done. But in the next email, I am going to give you one way that you might like to try.
…………….Later for now….Jerry Burnett !


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