Setting up a profitable fishing pole…How to do this thang !

internet marketingNow what you want to do is to start building a list. Which is the same as starting to build an audience. Because that is what we are seeking to do whether it is through on-page and off- page optimization to produce good search rankings via Google or it be by buying traffic. We are working to create an audience.

Now you have to buy good traffic. And you have to first know what is good traffic and what is bad traffic.

But the fact is, we do not want to be alone…alone in our businesses.

There are people who own stores and people who have restaurants and they sit alone in them all day long, day after day. How do I know, I’ve done it. And when you own a brick and mortar business and you sit in it day after day alone with very few customers coming through your doors, every moment that you are there sitting, it is costing you money, lots of it usually.

Are you working day after day in your online business alone. Laboring to execute some free traffic strategy that has not produced an audience for you because you are still basically alone. And do you really understand why you have not been able to get much traffic back to your site and how hard it actually is to rank on the first page of Google for good keywords.

Consider this regarding free traffic strategies…..the work that it takes to be successful at it is massive. And then you can still loose it and have to fight to regain it all over again.

How much Content do you really need? How many backlinks? How many Social Likes? How much Social Syndication do you need to execute via Hootie Suite or Onlywire. How much posting in Facebook groups? How much guest blogging? How much work does it really take to build an effective PBN. What about site structure, on page and off page optimization, tags, keywords, titles and descriptions.

It’s a world of work………. And it is all done just to get some traffic…

And first you have to learn all of this stuff, before you can even begin to do the work of implementing it. Don’t believe that all of this and more is involved. Go and Ask someone who you believe knows about it…………

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Now check this out.. Let’s say you finally do get pass all of this and begin to get some traffic. You still have another phase to online marketing yet ahead of you. What do I mean? You still have to learn about setting up landing pages, putting good copy on them. How to work with an Autoresponder. How to increase landing page opt in rates and email open rates. How to build an effective marketing funnel, how to diversify your offers to your list. How to work with tracking and Autoresponder Analytics. And definitely the strategy and psychology of conversion, along with many other things.

I think you might be getting a vision now of why 97% of all people who come online to make money never really make any. It is probably because they are trying to learn………………………..two major skill sets on their way to a cash flow.

Now the way to get started fast and to begin making money right away, even as you are still learning is to treat this thing like what it is… a business. And begin to think like a business person and start considering how you can set up a bank account or just an empty jar to begin setting aside money to buy traffic with.

I was in a meeting once with a multi-millionaire internet marketer. And he was asked the question by a young lady in the meeting who said that she wanted to get started but that she had very little money. Would he recommend that she go ahead and start out with free marketing strategies anyway.

And what he told her is what I hear now again and again from the very richest marketers. And that is this….He told her that she would be better off spending the time that she would use working at free traffic strategies and go get a part time job or do side jobs or do whatever to make a couple hundred dollars and then buy some traffic.

And as someone who has spent too much time working at free traffic strategies, I would say that this is exactly right. If that young lady goes ahead and spends a couple hundred bucks on some quality traffic, she could very likely end up with 80 opt ins to her list in a day or two.

So she has a potential 80 person audience. If she writes a blog post in the morning now. She can send it out to her new audience of people.

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If she gets a 15% open rate that is 12 people opening and reading her stuff each morning…. Now hearing these numbers, you might say .. sad, sad, sad,

…..But hold on… consider this !

She is actually in position already to start carrying out the three part marketing system that I have talked about. 1) She is getting quality traffic. 2) She is sending it through her marketing funnel which since she is a newbie can be just her blog material. The things that she is learning. The interesting things that she is doing. Something funny she saw online. Pictures she took over the weekend. She can send out an email to her list with the subject line. “I went out this weekend, pics inside: did I look wholesome or hot?

And she can just be herself… and TALK TO HER LIST.

And if she is consistent, she will definitely begin to develop a loyal following. And so will you if you follow this formula.

3) The third thing is her offer, her product. She can easily become an affiliate and get a few products to sell. That’s easy. You know that….Now, let’s say she has these 12 people opening her emails. Well, she doesn’t stop there. If she were trying to generate traffic from free strategies, she definitely could not stop. She would still have a world of work ahead of her.

So she does a few more side jobs and she also sells a few of her non-essential personal possessions. Also, for her birthday her parents drop a cool five hundred on her. Now, she has $900 in her jar.. In her little business account if you will…

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So she goes and buys some more quality traffic. This time she is able to get 450 opt-ins. Now she has 530 people on her list. And because she has been consistent in her emailing and she has been sending out things to her list that she really gets into herself, more people on her list get interested and her opt in rate goes up to 20%.

So now, she has 530 on her list and 106 people opening her emails on a daily basis. Suddenly, she is not alone any more. Let’s say just 9% of those 106 people decides to purchase her $97 product (which is very probable) and 3 goes for the $297 upsell, that’s a cool $1900.

Now what is she going to do with this money? You know baby ! This girl ain’t playing. She is going to put it back into her business. So she takes this $1900 from her sales and puts another $300 with it from her continued savings and purchases $2200 worth of traffic.

At $0.80 a click and with a landing page that converts at 40%, she adds 1100 new people to her growing list which is now at a total of 1630.

At his point, this young lady decides that it is time to do a webinar to teach some of the things that she has been learning and to sell her high end product.

She understands that in marketing, you need low cost products, mid range products and high end products. So she does a little webinar and has a little success. She sells 9 of her $497 marketing packages for a total of $4473 and she uses this money to purchase 2800 new leads.

She now has a total of 4430 people on her list. At $1.13 per email she should now make $5000 a month from this list.

Just a few months ago, she was living in Elkhart Indiana, working at Walmart and scrapping together pennies to get an online business up and running……. Now she is making $5000 a month working from her family room and from the local Starbuck down the street…… Within a year, she will probably be making between $15K-$20k a month as she works on her computer aboard a business class flight en route to her brand new Condo on the beach in Southern California.

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. Later for now…….Jerry Burnett !

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