Category Archives: Inspiration and Motivation

To Succeed… We Have To Decide To Believe

Faith in the UniverseBecoming a rich and successful Marketer is arrived at by a leap of faith. Living out our grandest dreams is accomplished by way of a leap of faith.

Making it to the top of our craft is brought about by a leap of faith. Becoming the very best in the world, must be done through a leap of faith.

It is through faith that we do significant things in life. And it is only by faith that we can attain unto personal greatness. Why does it take faith to do great things? Because, when we attempt to do these things, we do not “ know” that we can do them for we have never done them yet.

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Successful people play above the passion line

If right now, you are in the mist of a new life changing program that, if successful, is going to revolutionize your life and make it wonderfully better. A program that you started out with emotional bliss and happy expectation because you knew that success here would mean the answer to some of your most long sought after goals and touching desires.

But at this present time, things are not going so well and you are beginning to become frustrated and discouraged. Then here, right here is where you had better stop and hear a few things. Because it is right here that the story of your life is hinged. Yes, at this very place. And you can depart this place, but it is still here that you must again come back to.

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An Inspiration That Defeats Mountains

As we live our lives and move through time, we will be faced with difficulties and we will be confronted with a many problems. Some of these will be relatively easy to surmount. Some of them will be extremely hard. But there are those that will be as mountains in our lives and they will require more of ourselves and of our efforts than we would like to display in order to overcome.

overcoming mountains

Mountains stand above everything on the earth. They have been called the roof of the world. They can be extremely intimidating. They are large and exults extreme power. Therefore, mountains can feel to us that they are too great even to face. We can feel as water before them, powerless even to address them at all and having no vision of victory regarding them in our imagination or in our hearts.

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