Category Archives: Personal Development

Personal development through modeling Success

Personal development is a very large area that covers a lot of things. And there are many, many ways in which people desire to develop personally. There are people who desire to be better at speaking at the appropriate times, because they know they talk too much. There are those who would like to be better listeners. And those who, being extremely bashful, want to learn to talk more and to join in with the crowd.

There are thousands upon thousands who would like to learn to be better parents and even those who want to become more respectful children. There are those who want to become better golfers, better dancers, better computer programmers, better planners, better organizers, better doctors and better surfers. The list goes on and on forever. And just as there are so many things that people long to become better at, there are also so many ways of accomplishing it.

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How to Engineer the perfect life

Now, I know for sure, that the first thought in most people’s minds and the very first words out of their mouths are “Man, nobody can live a perfect life. And of course, I will quickly agree with that. But, what I mean is the perfect life for you.

I am perfectly myself and you are perfectly your self. I may be able to do a good impersonation of you, but I can not be you, perfectly. Now there are some things that can be perfect. There have been times and moments in my life, when I was perfectly happy. And there have been times when I have loved my wife , my children, a friend, perfectly.

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Proactive or Reactive: How are you living?

Are you in control of your life, or is your life out of your control ?

How long have you been hoping on that same dream ?

Are you taking your life where you want it to be, or are you

day by day, year by year, being moved farther and farther

away from the things that you so strongly long for.

Proactive or Reactive, How are you living ?

Do whatever it takes to win

Great leaders always believe that winners win, and losers lose. They believe that you can help a loser. You can give him money. You can give

him of your time, but he’s going to find a way to mess it up. But all a winner needs is an opportunity. It won’t look good all the time but

he’s going to find a way to win. You see the losers thinks that he’s the only one who has problems. He’s the only one whose people quit. He’s

the only one whose paycheck gets screwed up. But the winner has every problem that the loser has. His people quit. His pay check gets screwed

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