Tag Archives: marketing

A Few Basic Marketing Thoughts

Business masteryToday, I would like to discuss a few things about Marketing. The main thing that I would like to accomplish here is to get the spirit of marketing going. But when I say Marketing, I do not mean just any kind of marketing but I am considering really direct marketing, mixed with guerrilla marketing, mixed with bootstrapping.

I feel that this is the kind more suited to small independently owned businesses as opposed to very large corporations. I am sure that there are some who do not know what guerrilla marketing is so I would like to discuss that briefly. Guerrilla marketing is marketing that is of a bootstrapping nature mixed with direct response marketing mixed with a certain mindset which I shall expound on later.

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Marketing………the first business of every Start Up

MarketingLooking at the information kept by organizations that keeps stats on the success of businesses, it is quite clear that most businesses fail and fail miserably. And there are many reasons given but a few rise to the top on list after list.

The lack of sufficient capital, poor management, not enough business knowledge on the part of the owner, poor location, too low of a price point.

One of the primary reasons though why many businesses fail that is almost never mentioned is poor marketing. There are multitudes of new business owners opening their doors everyday with great hopes and expectations having spent money on everything you could possibly consider; wonderful locations, plenty of stock, top notch equipment, a ready staff of employees etc. etc. Yet they do not even have an advertising budget; not a real one.

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The Real Reason Why So Many People Fail To Make Money Online

marketing lossesThere truly is a long list of reasons as to why people believe that they have not been able to make money online. They believe that it’s because of things like not being able to get enough Traffic or not being good at Traffic Conversion. Maybe because they don’t know the latest SEO or how to really do Link building or Social Media Marketing or Video Marketing or a pile of others things.

But for the most part, there is one thing that they all have in common. And it is the real reason that they have not been able to see the success that they so strongly desire in their online marketing efforts. ………..The question is asked “ What is the secret, What is the real secret to this internet marketing thing” And how many times…. how many millions of times has this question been asked? How many?

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Internet blogging and the production of money

If you know anything or have heard anything about making money online, on the internet, you know that blogging is what is talked about over and over again. And that blogging is suppose to be that great opportunity for every man who would venture out and seek his or her fortune in the wide world of the blogosphere.

Have you been thinking about maybe starting your own blog. Have you been hearing things and thinking to yourself, ” maybe this could be for me , maybe this could be my way out, my way of escape”. Well consider this, there are a great many bloggers but very little production of money. So many blogging, hoping and blogging and very little production of money.

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