Tag Archives: take action

We Can Not Think Our Way To Action !

EmpowermentToday, I was listening to a motivational speaker. He was talking about how in the internet marketing business many times we get caught up and lost in our minds.

We attempt to succeed… to win.. by thinking, thinking, thinking our way to action. We literally attempt to think, or more correctly, figure our way to success. And we feel that if we would just figure enough, we might be able to reach our goals.

But in reality, it is like traveling around in a circle. We go on and on and on believing that we are about to make progress at any moment. But in actuality, we are just stuck in a never ending

mental loop.

Have you ever been stuck in your head… trying to figure it out… trying to think your way to action.

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The Power and Importance of Taking Action

Take ActionMore and more, I am realizing the power and importance of taking action. Also I am understanding all the failure and hurt which comes about as a result of failing to take action.

Everything is designed for the purpose of getting us to take action. Visualizations, motivation, positive affirmation, it is all for the purpose of moving us to action. And things like fear, discouragement, depression, doubt, all cause us to cease from our regiment of consistent action. Even though the very results which comes from continuous action is what would remedy all these things

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